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Dua For Traveling In Arabic

Safar ki Dua: Traveling is our main thing that is held in our day to day life. We have to travel from home to office, home to school, school to tuition, etc. if we start our day with the name of the Almighty Allah and Bismillah. Then our day would be useful in a matter of everything like in a job, office, school, etc.

But if you don’t know about dua for traveling which is also known as safar ki dua in Urdu. At that time, maybe you will face some of the difficulties while going. Here in this article, my brothers and sisters, I am going to provide you the best dua safar ki, Hindi, Urdu, and in Roman English. So, if you want to know this, then stay here and read the complete article about safar ki dua in Roman English.

Safar ki Dua in English

Dua for traveling mentioned in the Quran. Dua for travelling. Dua when your vehicle begins to fail. The resident's duaas for the traveler. The traveler's dua at dawn. Traveler's dua for the one he leaves behind. Duaas from the Hadith. Dua for Anger. Dua for drinking MILK. Islamic books in Arabic,English,Urdu,Spanish. Invocation for traveling. Dua asking for health RECITE THE FOLLOWING DUA THREE TIMES IN THE MORNING AND EVENING. Jul 28, 2019. Traveling Dua. Traveling dua will help of you to reach into your desired location without any trouble. If you are going to any place for very important work then you must need of traveling dua because if you get trouble in your journey then you can miss your important work. Therefore, we want that you must get a nice journey whereby you can.

There are lots of Dua on the Internet, but if you are looking for useful dua. Only those websites are good, which provides Qurani Dua. You don’t have to recite those Dua, which are only recommended by Black Magic Specialist.

On MuslimDuaWazifa, I only share the genuine Dua, which I have taken from the Quran Paak. It is because one day I have to meet with the Almighty Allah. I have to stand in front of the Almighty Allah. Now, let’s move towards our main topic. Before starting to travel, you have to follow some of the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad.

It will be okay because, as we all know, if we start doing Sunnah. We will get a reward of 100 Shaheed. So, that’s why I am recommending you follow Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad, please.

Don’t miss to read

Prophet Muhammad Sunnah for Traveling

1) Don’t travel alone

If you are going traveling, then don’t travel lonely. Adobe photoshop cc 2019 google drive. Always travel with at least more than two. Because at the time of moving, you will also face some of the problems, then at that time, your partner will help you.

2) Start your journey with Bismillah.

If you sit in your car, airplane, bike, etc., always start your journey with the name of the Almighty Allah, and Bismillah Hirrahma Nirraheem.

3) Recite Allah Hu Akbar

When you sit freely, then at that time, you have to recite Allah Hu Akbar three times.

4) Don’t create problems for other

Dua in arabic text

If you are going anywhere, then don’t create problems for others. Our prophet Muhammad SAW never creates problems for others, no matter that person would be a Muslim or non-Muslim.


5) Reach closely to your work

When you reach closer to your dream work, then at that time, you have to recite this dua:

اَللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ لَنَا فِيْهَا

These all are essential points which you have to follow while traveling.

Also Read: Dua e Qunoot for Witr Prayer along with Translation

Safar ki Dua in Arabic

While leaving your house, you have to have to recite this safar ki dua in sms. For more information, you can also watch this video, and I hope this video will help you and clear all your doubts.

If you want to take any type of help like love problems, money issues, etc. Then you can also solve all your problems with the help of our Molvi Ji. In Sha Allah, our Molvi Ji will also help you and solve all your problems with the help of the Almighty Allah. Now, let’s watch video of safr ki dua or safer ki dua first.

بِسْمِ اللهِ وَالْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ سُبْحَانَ الَّذِيْ سَخَّرَ لَناَ هَذَا وَمَا كُنَّا لَهُ مُقرِنِيْنَ وإِنَّا إِلَى رَبِّناَ لمُنْقَلِبُوْنَ

Safar ki Dua in Hindi, Urdu Translation


الله کے نام سے شروع, وہ ذات پاک ہے جس نے ہمارے لیے اسے مطیع کر دیا اور ہم اسے قابو میں لانے والے نہ تھے

اور بےشک ہم اپنے رب کی طرف لوٹنے والے ہیں Diablo 2 runeword mod.

Also Read: Kisi ko Apna Deewana Banane ki Dua


अल्लाह के नाम से शुरू, वह ज़ात पाक है जिसने हमारे लिए इसे मुती कर दिया और हम इसे क़ाबू में लाने वाले ना थे

और बेशक हम अपने रब्ब की तरफ लौटने वाले है

Also Read: Best Islamic Dua for peace between husband and wife

Allah ke naam se shuru woh zaat paak hai jisne hamare liye isi mutee e Kar Diya aur ham ise kabu mein lane wale na the

Aur beshak ham apne Rab ki taraf lotne wale hain

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So, my brothers and sisters, here in this article, I told you everything about Safar ki dua. I hope you like to reading this article. If yes, then please share it with other, and if you have faced any problem, then put your query in the comment section. I will reach to you as soon as possible.

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Dua For Traveling In Arabic

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Dua For Traveling In Arabic
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